Category Archives: Happiness

I’m glad somebody got it.

This speech by Sen. Franken is a glimmer of hope that the american dream isnt being crushed by the billionaires in this country.  It instills confidence that there are representatives in washing that are willing to identify the problems for what they truly are, willing to listen to the real demands of the American citizen, and do what is right. 

We have been suckers until now, because we give republicans the benefit of the doubt that they care about anybody but the rich.  Now we have no excuse.  The picture of American democracy that American’s hold in their memories are now just a blurry unfamiliar story that they read about in an old book or a class at school.  Just take a moment to actually listen to the truth about our government and social structures, they truly are not just as we often suspect.

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Posted by on December 4, 2010 in Happiness, Life, Politics


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I don’t understand why the words collectivism and collective have such opposing connotations regarding their translation.  Everything I have seen about the word collectivism is negative, associating strongly with control, communism, or totalitarian governments.  Where as the word collective is looked at with positive connotations, often in reference of corporations, as it pertains to the betterment of the overall good.  You take a look at the definitions and tell me why this is so.

Collectivism – the political principle of centralized social and economic control, esp. of all means of production.

Collective – corporate: done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; “a joint identity”; “the collective mind“; “the corporate good”

I don’t understand how there is a division in the country on this idea when it is so obviously supported, but only debated in how it is applied.  The conservative media suggest that collectivism always leads to totalitarian governments, however they encourage it as an idea for operation of corporations.  Does this mean that businesses will always experience the negative aspects of collectivism?  If far right political views can have collectivist though as a valid platform for business, then the same concept should be able to work in government if structured right.   If the structure of government cannot be built to support this concept, then it is obvious that it is because the collective system always become corrupt.  If so, why would right wing individuals, and private businesses still support this idea, with the potential of being a hypocrite.
          You see, the main difference between the government being able to operate on a collective platform, and businesses being able to do the same, is that business have the ability to disguise themselves from the observing eye of the citizens.  We have no way of seeing how this system plays out in a private business.  What the business don’t want you to see is one of two things.  Either their businesses have fallen to the inevitable corruption of the collective system, or there is no inevitable corruption at all. (which would mean that government would be successful on a collective platform,   big businesses surly are)  So which is it right wing extremists? Answer that and the problem for America is over.



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Pure Truth

Glenn Beck by David Shankbone 2010 NYC

Image by david_shankbone via Flickr

I found a source of truth in one of the most unpredictable places you could imagine. Believe it or not it comes from the mouth of Glenn Beck, but in order to understand why there is truth here, it requires clarification.

The source of all truth doesn’t come in the form of what Glenn Beck says, but rather in comes in exactly the opposite of what he says. If everyone listened to Beck for the identification of what is fundamentally wrong with humanity, we might have an actual genius amongst us. I mean he has brought up a large list of topics, taken them to his logical conclusions, and defined what it is to be completely sadistic towards your fellow man.

I think that Mr. Beck himself should be on board with my perception here because he could still be one of the most influential people around, which is all he cares about anyway. All he has to do is admit that his mental wiring is backwards, and that he is only capable of reaching conclusions which are detrimental to society. In reference of Glenn Beck, humanity has been given an evil genius that means no harm but cant do anything else but be himself. I’ll admit his ideas are well constructed, that’s probably the reason why so many people believe him, but what you realize when you listen to him talk with this type of conviction is that he truly is evil at heart. Will we utilize this resource for what it truly is, or will we continue to believe that the words that come out of his mouth are to benefit anyone but himself, and the corrupt men who pay his bills.


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Posted by on October 20, 2010 in Happiness, Life, Politics

