Category Archives: Life

I’m glad somebody got it.

This speech by Sen. Franken is a glimmer of hope that the american dream isnt being crushed by the billionaires in this country.  It instills confidence that there are representatives in washing that are willing to identify the problems for what they truly are, willing to listen to the real demands of the American citizen, and do what is right. 

We have been suckers until now, because we give republicans the benefit of the doubt that they care about anybody but the rich.  Now we have no excuse.  The picture of American democracy that American’s hold in their memories are now just a blurry unfamiliar story that they read about in an old book or a class at school.  Just take a moment to actually listen to the truth about our government and social structures, they truly are not just as we often suspect.

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Posted by on December 4, 2010 in Happiness, Life, Politics


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If consciousness never ends

String theory?

Image by trailfan via Flickr

I wonder often what this all means, the lives that we live, and the thoughts that make up the very core of our being. What is it that we are to learn or accomplish in our lifetime, what will be the measure of success that we will strive for in ourselves while in this 3D world? Recently as I have these thoughts, I often come to the conclusion that it is simply the experience that is the accomplishment. The journey of living in a dimension of time where the 3D dimensional rule of physics and existence apply to every aspect of life.

As I have spent time learning about topics such as quantum mechanics, string theory, power of thought, even energy healing and different religious perspectives of spirituality; I feel like I can only come to one conclusion.

I concluded that Consciousness never dies, it simply evolves through time, experiencing life from a perspective with one more aspect of dimension than the previous existence. In each existence, the body your consciousness resides in is simply the vessel that is necessary for consciousness (which is not bound by 3 dimensions), to reside in the 3 dimensional space of this universe.

So String theory suggest that there are 12 or so dimensions, where do we fall into that? I suggest that we fall into the 3rdD of those 12 dimensions. It only seams natural that would be the case, which would mean that in order to be the beings of consciousness that we are today, we would have already lived to existences as one and two dimensional beings.

If you look at the mathematics of how science already uses the dimensions that we are aware of, mainly the 2D and 3D. Common sense tells us that we can’t have 3 dimensions without 2 dimensions first, because adding a dimension to 1 dimension only gives you 2D. So existence of consciousness works this way too. In order to even be capable of seeing from a 3 dimensional perspective of reality, you must first have a complete mastership in the experience of your 2 dimensional self.

So this theory suggest that all the creatures on this planet that are experiencing live from a 3 dimensional perspective are doing so after a mastered perspective of the 2D. All of our bodies are tools that our consciousness uses to exist within the physical limitations of our physical world. We must have water, food, and air; just as a car needs water, fuel, and air. Our bodies are complex biological machines, but they are also a mechanism for existence in the most sophisticated form.

Our consciousness is operating through our 3 dimensional body but is not bound to it. This is because consciousness, in the pure form that it is, resides in the nothingness of the universe. That’s why for the inner workings of consciousness, you must go to the inner workings of yourself. Your consciousness is the only consciousness you’ll ever know, and it is the only part of your being in this 3 dimensional life that isn’t bound to the physical aspects of this life.

So what are we here for? Well, the way I see it, we are looking for mastership in the 3 dimensional life, and striving to reach the understanding of consciousness that will allow us to expand beyond the limitations that our 3 dimensional experiences can’t allow. The paradox of life is that you can’t have perspective of the 4 dimensional existence until the framework of the 3 dimensional completion is laid, but you may have an awareness, a sixth sense if you will, that there is something beyond what you can see, smell, and touch in this physical reality. This comes as a result of being attune to the consciousness of your being.

Your consciousness resides in the nothingness of matter, even in this physically 3 dimensional world, so it has the capability to observe, and sense from an awareness that we don’t even know exists. The challenge now is for your consciousness to give you awareness which doesn’t translate well within the 3D framework of this dimension. Your brain translates the awareness the best that it can for a 3 dimensional tool of existence, but its defiantly a skill that can be learned more efficiently with practice. Ask yourself what it is your consciousness is trying to communicate to you that might be difficult to see or hear? 🙂

I’m just happy to be a 3 dimensional being with all of you out there in the world, floating through time trying to find out what it all means. Hope you enjoyed the post.



Posted by on November 30, 2010 in Life


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I don’t understand why the words collectivism and collective have such opposing connotations regarding their translation.  Everything I have seen about the word collectivism is negative, associating strongly with control, communism, or totalitarian governments.  Where as the word collective is looked at with positive connotations, often in reference of corporations, as it pertains to the betterment of the overall good.  You take a look at the definitions and tell me why this is so.

Collectivism – the political principle of centralized social and economic control, esp. of all means of production.

Collective – corporate: done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; “a joint identity”; “the collective mind“; “the corporate good”

I don’t understand how there is a division in the country on this idea when it is so obviously supported, but only debated in how it is applied.  The conservative media suggest that collectivism always leads to totalitarian governments, however they encourage it as an idea for operation of corporations.  Does this mean that businesses will always experience the negative aspects of collectivism?  If far right political views can have collectivist though as a valid platform for business, then the same concept should be able to work in government if structured right.   If the structure of government cannot be built to support this concept, then it is obvious that it is because the collective system always become corrupt.  If so, why would right wing individuals, and private businesses still support this idea, with the potential of being a hypocrite.
          You see, the main difference between the government being able to operate on a collective platform, and businesses being able to do the same, is that business have the ability to disguise themselves from the observing eye of the citizens.  We have no way of seeing how this system plays out in a private business.  What the business don’t want you to see is one of two things.  Either their businesses have fallen to the inevitable corruption of the collective system, or there is no inevitable corruption at all. (which would mean that government would be successful on a collective platform,   big businesses surly are)  So which is it right wing extremists? Answer that and the problem for America is over.



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