Tag Archives: conflict

The Meek

We are all familiar with the saying that the meek will inherit the earth.  I spend some time thinking on this and came up with a few questions I felt were important to have answered.  One, Who are the meek?  What exactly is it that defines a meek person in our society?  And two, when will the meek inherit the earth?  There are lots of very aggressive people in the world, and it would seem to

me that they do control many aspects of the society we live in simply by being willing to stand up and fight for that control.  How can the few humble, quite, submissive beings eventually have a strong voice in the community of the world among more dominating personalities.

In regards to who are the meek?  The definition of meek is – “humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness.  My thoughts lead me to understand that meekness is often times

A nomad prayer on a desert in Africa. The phot...

Image via Wikipedia

not a result of choice by an individual to go unheard, but more a forced suppression by the people around them.  The meek would like to be able to stand and be heard by the world, but it is the concern of retaliation, or intimidation that forces them into submissiveness.

Many people have probably experienced a situation where a conflict arises with someone and they felt forced to retreat on their stance due to what would seem like mental or emotional instability in their opponent.  When conflicts arise, there are many different types of personalities that present themselves but one of the most influential is that of the person who will go to any extreme to be right.  This is not because their logic is accurate, or because they are loving and compassionate, nor is it because the people around them actually agree.  Its simply because when we encounter people who are so disconnected from reality that they will resort to violence or desecration, few will put their physical or emotional safety on the line in order to stand up for truth.  This lack of opposition leaves the entire conflict with the perception that the person acting out of aggression was also acting out of truth, which is an terrable flaw in our society today.  The reason this is so damaging is because children or young adults that witness conflicts that result in this way, learn to believe that the path to gaining respect is aggression in this manner, regardless of truth or logic.  The only way this vicious cycle breaks, is when adults choose to stand up and maintain integrity, even when facing fear.

So what do we have as a society to keep these tyrants from influencing all humanity? We have strength in numbers. It is critically important that we stand up and face those who try to impose their thoughts and ideas through threats and aggression.  We can stand together with a unified identity of truth, despite the fact that we are all very different.  We have different religious, political, and social opinions, but we can find common ground in what is right.  Compassion, love, understand, charity, honesty, accountability… There are many things that are simply truth, but there are also many things that are manipulated to appear as truth.

Nobody can tell you what you view as truth but yourself, so I will not attempt to decide for others what is right.  However, I will say, that many people do not dedicate sufficient time to discovering their truth.  The evolution of what we internally think is true is a process that we need to be conscious of daily,  even hourly.  As we interact with the world, questioning the accuracy of the perceptions we obtain allows us to develop into the being we truly hope to be.  If we simply embrace experiences of our life into our inner self, we are more likely to continue bad trends from society, rather than being able to stand and make a change to the flaws of our community.

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Posted by on August 31, 2010 in Life


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