Tag Archives: Democracy

He is just the President.

Why exactly does every U.S. President that is elected immediately end up being subjected to a barrage of attacks from the American citizens and political adversaries.  Our democracy gives us the ability as Americans to elect whichever individual we so choose to be our national leader, and each time vote a President in to office, we turn our back on the same fundamentals that we elected them for in the first place.

The worst aspect of this, is that American citizens, many of which don’t understand the complexities of D.C. politics, are influenced by the political propaganda initiated by big business and wealthy political influences.  Much of the information that citizens recieve regarding Washington politics comes second hand through the polarized media and by contradicting political leaders. 

I find it most interesting that the most common form of resistance a President, or any political official face, is the resistance to change.  American’s are so fixated on limiting the change and “progressive” attitude of  Democratic leaders, they are willing to let our economic, health care, and financial systems become outdated and uncompetitive in the world market.  The American people need to allow for some degree of evolution in our political system.  We live in a different day in age than the founding fathers of our constitution.  The original construction of our political system was drafted by brilliant men, but they were still limited to the knowledge they were able to obtain during their time. 

As people of America, we need to get rid of the notion that all change is bad.  Although I will say, some possibilities of change could be very damaging for the American way of life, but there are many aspects of change that would create a better country for us all.  I understand that change is not always perfect, we may choose to follow an evolution that will not be effective in the long run, but if we don’t try to improve our system, we are doomed to fall behind in the world view.  We can protect ourselves from the effects of damaging direction by creating a system that gives the American voter the ability to revoke change quickly when undesired results arise, so that other options may be attempted for correction.



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