Tag Archives: Glenn Beck

Pure Truth

Glenn Beck by David Shankbone 2010 NYC

Image by david_shankbone via Flickr

I found a source of truth in one of the most unpredictable places you could imagine. Believe it or not it comes from the mouth of Glenn Beck, but in order to understand why there is truth here, it requires clarification.

The source of all truth doesn’t come in the form of what Glenn Beck says, but rather in comes in exactly the opposite of what he says. If everyone listened to Beck for the identification of what is fundamentally wrong with humanity, we might have an actual genius amongst us. I mean he has brought up a large list of topics, taken them to his logical conclusions, and defined what it is to be completely sadistic towards your fellow man.

I think that Mr. Beck himself should be on board with my perception here because he could still be one of the most influential people around, which is all he cares about anyway. All he has to do is admit that his mental wiring is backwards, and that he is only capable of reaching conclusions which are detrimental to society. In reference of Glenn Beck, humanity has been given an evil genius that means no harm but cant do anything else but be himself. I’ll admit his ideas are well constructed, that’s probably the reason why so many people believe him, but what you realize when you listen to him talk with this type of conviction is that he truly is evil at heart. Will we utilize this resource for what it truly is, or will we continue to believe that the words that come out of his mouth are to benefit anyone but himself, and the corrupt men who pay his bills.


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Posted by on October 20, 2010 in Happiness, Life, Politics

