Tag Archives: Psychology

I’m glad somebody got it.

This speech by Sen. Franken is a glimmer of hope that the american dream isnt being crushed by the billionaires in this country.  It instills confidence that there are representatives in washing that are willing to identify the problems for what they truly are, willing to listen to the real demands of the American citizen, and do what is right. 

We have been suckers until now, because we give republicans the benefit of the doubt that they care about anybody but the rich.  Now we have no excuse.  The picture of American democracy that American’s hold in their memories are now just a blurry unfamiliar story that they read about in an old book or a class at school.  Just take a moment to actually listen to the truth about our government and social structures, they truly are not just as we often suspect.

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Posted by on December 4, 2010 in Happiness, Life, Politics


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