Tag Archives: Suggestability

The Power of Crop Circles?

I just caught the last few minutes of a show on whether crop circles were real and I thought it brought up some interesting things about people.  I was particularly intrigued to learn that there are people who use these unexplained masterpieces as temporary temples.  The designs in the fields were claimed by believers to have physical, and psychological effects on those who participated.  I really enjoyed when the scientists came back with an explanation that really relates  to my website.

The explanation was that because these people entered the crop circles with the suggestion that they would have an intensely spiritual experience, they were more likely to experience exactly that.  I was intrigued by this because of shows how much the mind is capable of. There was an experiment done with a group of students to test this idea.  Each student was given a crystal to hold.  The students were then told the crystal gave of heat and vibrations.  While the crystal was actually just a piece of glass, many of the students reported that they did experience those things. If the mind is capable of giving attributes to an object by having a true and specific expectation, then what else might the brain be able to alter about our perception of the universe.

It’s interesting to see here that you truly can alter the experience that you have with the expectations that you prepare.  So if you can make a normal piece of glass give of heat and vibration by simply tricking your mind into believing it will.  Can you trick your mind in to believing that you are happy, life is perfect, and you will be successful, therefore, being more likely to experience it?  Life truly is the opportunity to experience exactly what you forsee experiencing sometimes.


Posted by on March 7, 2010 in Life


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